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Addicting! Really fun and clever design!


I LOVE this game. The sound effects are satisfying, but a soundtrack would be nice. Other than that, the mechanics are amazing!


This game is GOOD.

Is this available in playstore?

The sequel Jetstream ( is available on desktop and hopefully mobile soon 

Can i use this game in my website?


I'm sorry but no, you can't rehost our game on your site for free. If you'd like to discuss a paid license, you can email us at to discuss terms. Thanks!

Si te gustan los videojuegos para pasar un buen rato y romperte un poco la cabeza mientras te distraes un rato, con esta DEMO te enseñamos por qué este SHORT GAME by Francois Van Niekerk, STREAMLINE te va a encantar. Con este SHORT GAME by Francois Van Niekerk, haz crecer tu línea para alcanzar la meta en Streamline. Los rompecabezas hechos a mano contienen una variedad de mecánicas únicas e interesantes, y van desde fáciles hasta endiabladamente difíciles. Estos deberían mantenerte ocupado por un tiempo, pero si logras terminarlos todos, también hay un modo infinito con acertijos generados por procedimientos.

Dual is the most hard part. Other levels were very easy to beat, but logic of solution is perfect. Very good puzzle!


Great game!


Pretty cool game. Too hard for me. This definetly seems like a cool mobile game. I suggest you make an android version thats not on the web

Some levels in Infinite Mode are unsolvable, and please update this game!

Some of them might seem hard, but they're all definitely solvable


loved the concept and execution! i'm putting Jetstream on my wishlist to play it too


Hey! I just bought your game Jetstream a long while ago and I'm really enjoying it :)!

Fun game. Minor bug, though: at least on Chrome, the cursor keys scroll the page in addition to controlling the game.

Sorry about the bug. Chrome keeps updating and breaking the old tested behaviour and we don't have the time to keep updating this. Try play in full screen :) 

Did you hand craft the levels or is it randomly generated?

The initial groups are all handcrafted. The infinite levels are generated procedurally.

Great game. Puzzles are challenging and fun.

Sound FX are on point. Very nice minimalistic animations.

It's not getting boring because new levels introduce new features.

i love the sound effects on this they are so satisfying

Very cool game! Took me a while to finish all the levels (beside the infinite ones ofc)!

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken

I've even forgotten my name

I don't know the season or what is the reason

I'm standing here holding my blade

A desolate place (place)

Without any trace (trace)

It's only the cold wind I feel

It's me that I spite as I stand up and fight

The only thing I know for real

There will be blood (blood) shed (shed)

The man in the mirror nods his head

The only one (one) left (left)

Will ride upon the dragon's back

Because the mountains don't give back what they take

Oh no, there will be blood (blood) shed (shed)

It's the only thing I've ever known

Losing my identity

Wondering, "Have I gone insane?"

To find the truth in front of me I must climb this mountain range

Looking downward from this deadly height and never realizing why I fight


Super clean minimalistic game

hello, I tried to click to continue but it won't let me. I wanted to play this on my laptop. 

It should work just fine on a laptop with a recently new browser. What browser are you using?


I was using chrome and then I refreshed it and it works! thank you!


Very interesting game. The puzzle-solving process was enjoyable.


i like the sound effects and animations!


good game


This feels perfect for cool math games

(1 edit) (+1)

An absolute perl with great game and level design altogether ! Very chilling but sometimes challenging :D


very cool game! i dont like how everytime i press the down arrow my WHOLE screen moves down. but i LOVE this game s

have you tried fullscreen


Mobile game WHEN


We're working on an improved version of the game, called Jetstream. Hopefully coming soon to mobile:

oh, Im glad to hear you still intent to make a mobile version! The game looks so cute.

(1 edit) (+2)

this game is easy and calm i love it <3


I like the game, it's very calming and easy to play.

(1 edit) (+3)

This game is very chill. Helps me when I'm frustrated, the concept is easy to understand. The game isn't easy is acttualy a challenge (I probally SUCK to be honest) so after I played for more then 25 min now I'm not bored .

Good game.


Incredibly well polished




This game is amazing! its very enjoyable and I love the sounds

(1 edit) (+3)

Great game! really helps me stay calm in times like this. I do, however, have a few suggestions. maybe you could optimize the infinite levels mode playing experience by having settings for which puzzle parts the player wants. for example, I prefer not to play levels with the two "players" (I don't know how else to put it since this game is so abstract). maybe one could disable that for playing computer-generated levels. another thing I would like to see in the game is a way for you to make your own levels and share them with other players. obviously the "sharing with other players" part wouldn't be easy to implement, so maybe each user generated level could come with a shareable seed. I really like giving feedback on indie games, because I feel a closer connection to the people/person actually behind the programming. I can't exactly just tweet at nintendo for things I want in their games and expect it to actually happen.

Edit: sorry if I got a bit off topic at the end of the comment


Really happy to hear Streamline is calming! <3

Those sound like some good suggestions! However all development effort on this project is currently being directed to Jetstream (, our spiritual successor to Streamline. Besides looking better, having much better audio and other polish changes, Jetstream has quite a few new mechanics, while removing the clunky two-player mode you're referring to (it was a nice experiment, but I agree - it's not as good). We're current working on a procedural generation mode for Jetstream and will be putting out an update with that, as well as bringing it to mobile platforms.

I'd love to also have some sort of level editor, but alas that tends to be an expensive feature to do. We have an internal editor, but it would be a lot of work to get that remotely acceptable for public consumption. Jetstream's procedural levels will be structured a bit differently, so it'll be a bit easier to share them in some ways - think more like groups of daily levels where everyone in the world gets the same set. We're working hard to get that done soon :)

Thanks for playing and your feedback!


It's a good concept. I would love to see a set of more complex levels that really flush out the mechanics, but otherwise well done!

Oh and you should know there is a "bug" with the web version where pushing up/down moves the scroll bar, don't know if you can fix that.

Thanks! We've been working on Jetstream ( as a follow up with the same core mechanics but fleshed out a bit more. Maybe that scratches your itch?

I've fixed the scrolling bug before, but unfortunately the ever-changing web standards means that it constantly needs a new fix and I don't have the capacity right now to look into that. Sorry! Hopefully playing in fullscreen or with the itch app is better :)


cool. I'll check it out!


Me and my partner just played this for a while and it's really cool!! We especially liked the sound design :)


Done. I f you'd like to edit the description just say so and I'll make the changes.


awesome game. I'd you'd like I'd love to embed it on my site ozogames dot com. Thank you


We're working on a follow up version of the game called Jetstream, so unfortunately we won't have the time to support that. If you're able to embed the game without our help, and link back to the game, that'll be ok for now. Thanks!

Great. I think this version is great as it is. I'll add it to my puzzle,and indie category and homepage. I am going to embed the html5 version. I'll do it tomorrow. I'll let you know when its done and send you the link :)


awesome, one suggestion i have is to make the swooshing sound when you move a bit quieter/unobtrusive, it gets kinda annoying after you play for a while


fun little mindless game to play in french class, thanks!

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